About us


Our Team


Ward Nijman | Antiquarian

Ward Nijman of Antique-fireback.com

Ward's love for antiques, fireplaces, and entrepreneurship was instilled in him from a young age. This inspired him to join the family business. His focus is on being a reliable partner for our customers. He also enjoys working directly with our products and restoring them. Ward finds the combination of thinking and doing most appealing.


Charles Nijman | Antiquarian

Charles Nijman of Antique-fireback.com

Charles's interest in antiques also began at home. He is particularly drawn to antique items made of iron and other metals. It’s no surprise that he was captivated by the ancient strength and versatility of firebacks. In 2006, he started dealing in antique firebacks. His passion is to offer a large collection of firebacks with a variety of sizes, ages, symbols, and styles. Charles always researches the background and significance of each piece. He has also expanded the collection to include other antique fireplace accessories, which also come in a wide range of sizes, origins, ages, and styles. Like Ward, Charles enjoys combining thinking and doing, and being actively involved with our products while interacting with customers.


Inge Jüngeling | Back Office

Inge Jüngeling of Antique-fireback.com

Inge also grew up surrounded by a love for antiques. She adores the fireplace and has a passion for cooking in it. As the writer of articles and blogs, she explores the background and functionality of each fireplace accessory. She is also enthusiastic about decorating with antique fireplace accessories in and around the hearth. There are many ways to enhance sustainable heating and beautify the fireplace, and she is eager to share this knowledge.



We cannot do this alone. Our success is due to our collaboration with antique dealers, blacksmiths, couriers, IT support, and marketing advisors. Without them, Charles Nijman Fireplace Antiques would not be what it is today.